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Admissions Arrangements 2024 – 2025
There is a legal requirement that all children attend school or receive suitable education once they reach the age of five years. The allocation of places at The Federation of Towers School is decided by the local authority and all applications should be made to them by using Havering Schools Admissions.
Children with Educational Healthcare Plans are always welcomed and arrangements for their requirements will be dealt with in accordance with the Code of Practice on Special Educational Needs.
- Looked after children and all children who were adopted (or subject to child arrangements orders or special guardianship orders) immediately following having been looked after, including those children who appear (to the admission authority) to have been in state care outside of England and ceased to be in state care as a result of being adopted.
- Exceptional medical or exceptional social grounds (evidence must be provided at the time of application).
- A child whose brother or sister (sibling) currently attends the school or partner infant / junior school (not a nursery class attached to the school), and is expected to still be attending that school at the intended date of admission.
- Children whose parent is employed at the desired school as either a teaching assistant or qualified teacher for a minimum of 0.6fte (16.5 hours teaching staff) and has been employed for at least 2 years at the time of submitting the application.
- The distance of the home address from the school, as measured by a straight line from the school, those pupils living nearer the school being given higher priority.
A waiting list is maintained by the local authority with children prioritised according to the criteria set out above. They also administer the appeal arrangements which are heard by independent admission appeal panels.
Further details of the local authority procedures can be viewed on Havering Schools Admissions website, please see the links below;
Admissions arrangements and criteria
The in year process
The in year admissions process is for parents who have just moved into Havering and need to apply for a school place at a Havering school for their child during the school year, or for parents who want to transfer their child from one school to another.
If your child has an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), there is a different process for dealing with school transfers, please contact the Special Educational Needs team via to discuss changing the school for a child with an EHCP.
By law, children aged between 5 and 16 must receive an education. This means that your child must continue to go to their current school while we (the School Admissions Team) deal with your request for a school place.
The Havering School Admissions Team process applications of all schools in Havering.
This means that you should list all the schools in Havering that you want to apply for online using our In-Year parent portal, ranking them in the order you prefer.
Once your child has been offered a place to start at Towers and you have accepted, prior to starting school mid-year parents/carers are very welcome to have a look around the school during the school day. This can be arranged by making an appointment with the school office staff.
A waiting list is maintained by the local authority with children prioritised according to the criteria set out above. They also administer the appeal arrangements which are heard by independent admission appeal panels.
Additional information:
Key dates for applications closing and finding out when Reception places are given.
Key dates for applications closing and finding out when secondary school places are given.