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British Values
The Federation of Towers British Values and SMSC
Promoting British Values
The DfE have reinforced the need “to create and enforce a clear and rigorous expectation on all schools to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.”
Schools, through their curriculum, are legally bound to actively promote fundamental British values:
Having the right to an opinion/voice.
Rule of Law
Understanding why rules are important and following them to develop order.
Individual Liberty
The right to make our own choices.
Mutual Respect
Having respect for each other, treating others as you want to be treated and working together.
Tolerance of those from different faiths and beliefs
Learning about different faiths and cultures.
How does The Towers Federations actively promote British values?
Election of our school parliament/committee representatives.
Rule of Law
We learn to understand that every action has both a negative or positive which leads to a consequence which could be negative or positive.
Individual Liberty
We provide opportunities for children to make their own choices and gain independence within their thinking.
Mutual Respect
We follow the school rules.
Tolerance of those from different faiths and beliefs
We learn about different culture and celebrate learning from our similarities as well as differences.
Our Schools Values
Visitors at The Federation of Towers often comment on the positive ethos and warmth that permeates the schools. We pride ourselves on providing a safe, secure environment where good relationships and a strong sense of community ensure that every individual is known, valued encouraged and nurtured to be the best that they can be.
We believe that if learning dispositions of persistence, flexibility of thought, intellectual risk taking, enjoyment of being challenged, and reflectiveness are nurtured and secured through a focus on the 5R's (reasoning, responsibility, resilience, resourcefulness and reflectiveness) our pupils have the capacity to become independent lifelong learners.
Core Values
At The Federation of Towers schools we BUILD our future
Be Respectful
Love of Learning
Central to our work, and therefore embedded, are the fundamental British values of; democracy, rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance.
Our Aims
We aim to ensure children in our care become:
successful learners who enjoy learning, make progress and achieve
confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives
responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society
We will achieve this by:
- Inspiring our pupils to enjoy learning for life, in a stimulating and creative learning environment
- Encouraging high expectations, building on good relationships and shared goals to support and guide our pupils towards achieving their full potential
- Providing a secure environment in which everyone feels valued, and is given an equal opportunity to flourish and succeed
- Maintaining a positive ethos which motivates pupils to succeed, and raises their confidence and self esteem
- Establishing a culture of mutual respect and consideration, and encourage a sense of community
- Helping children to understand and value the wider world in which they live, to appreciate other cultures and to develop moral, social, and spiritual awareness leading to an appreciation of a diverse and pluralist society
Community Cohesion Policy
We aim to help children develop an understanding and respect of their own and other cultures, race and religion.