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Teaching & Learning

At Towers Infant School we believe that pupils should have access to a broad and balanced curriculum, which provides them with a rounded education covering knowledge, skills and understanding in a wide range of areas.

Excellence: Striving for the best

We want to deliver an exciting broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum which promotes children’s academic, spiritual, moral, social and cultural development.

  • We want the very best teaching and learning experiences for all our children.
  • We expect children to do their best and try hard to improve.
  • We strive for excellent communications with parents and the wider community.
  • We strive for high academic standards and value all achievement.
  • We believe our children deserve a quality environment and that everything we offer, from buildings to books, should be the best we can achieve.

Opportunity: a fair chance for all                                          

  • We want the very best lifetime opportunities for all our children by giving them the best start.
  • We insist on children's entitlement to a broad range of knowledge and skills.
  • We want opportunities for children in sport and the arts as well as academic achievement.
  • We are committed to equality of opportunity for everyone.
  • We want our children to be considerate, caring, polite and respectful and to become responsible, tolerant and compassionate members of our school and wider community.

Special Educational Needs

As previously stated, all children are considered as individuals and taught appropriately. Where they have Special Educational Needs, they may be helped by a teacher or a teaching assistant who gives extra attention to individuals and small groups of children in need of additional support. When individual needs are identified, Stages of Assessment are implemented and parents are fully involved in the process.

Curriculum responsibility

The responsibilities for curriculum management and policy review are:

  • Overall Curriculum Management: Headteacher
  • Overview of subject policies and schemes of work: Subject Leaders
  • Long term planning: Whole staff
  • Medium term planning: Class teachers
  • Short term planning: Class teachers
  • Extra-curricular activities: Headteacher

It is the responsibility of all staff to ensure that this policy is reflected in practice.

Curriculum monitoring

Each aspect of the curriculum will be monitored so that evidence can be evaluated to enable curriculum improvement to take place.