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SEND Local Offer

A change in the law means there will be changes to the way support is provided for children and young people with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND) in England from September 2014.

Education, Health and Care Plans

New education, health and care plans are being introduced for children and young people aged 0 to 25. These will, over time, replace the current statements of special educational need.

A new way of working will look at children and young people’s needs, bringing together education, health and social care support into a single plan.

It is more family-focused, with emphasis on:

  • individual goals for children

  • improving their opportunities for education and employment

  • introducing the opportunity for personal budgets to support these plans

    If your child currently has a statement of special educational needs, the statement and their support will remain in place in September 2014.

    We will work with you to transfer all these statements to new education, health and care plans during a change-over period from September 2014 to April 2018.

    The Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCO) at school will be discussing this with you during the year, leading up to your child’s annual review, as we work with you through the process of implementing the changes.

    It is the duty of all schools to publish the Local Authority and School SEND (Special Educational of Disabilities) offer.


    Our schools SEND offer can be found here

  • Our SEND Policy is available to view on our Policy Page.

  • Havering local offer